Thursday, November 12, 2015

2014 and beyond: Customer Service Experience

2014 and beyond: Customer Service Experience: Hey! Having been away from work for a couple of days, out of boredom and in the spirit of relaxing, i scanned through my instagram page an...

Customer Service Experience

Hey! Having been away from work for a couple of days, out of boredom and in the spirit of relaxing, i scanned through my instagram page and once again i beheld the lovely cakes on one of these bakers page.I dug further and clicked on the bio page saying to myself "well i can afford to spoil myself a bit " I picked up my cell and dialed the contact number provided on the company's site in the bid to make more inquiry. Truecaller displayed the name as "Lolade". I said "hello" into the phone but i believe due to network ish, something must have gone wrong. We missed ourselves in the bid to be heard. I figured this must have been responsible for the "irritation" detected in the voice when we eventually got control of the conversation. I continued with the conversation and explained the reason for my call- to make inquiries on cake and deliveries specifically, cup cakes. Then the receiver went like "all the information you need is on the internet". That sounded to me like, "you are disturbing me". I could not end the call as much as i thought i should and despite the fact that i knew it was more expensive to have made the call.I guess the traditional me still wanted that human-touch and feeling to services received so i politely went on to make inquires and then asked if i could place my order on line. Now! that received a "well you can go ahead via the call". With mixed feelings,i asked if i could call back to which i got "yes" and then we ended the call. I went back to the site and followed the step by step guide, selected a pack of 6 as against the 12 i had asked for over the phone. I mean i was thinking why waste 7k with the experience just received when i can go for the pack that would cost 4k??? (delivery fee inclusive). I added it to my cart and that was it. I realized i couldn't make payment online or proceed from there. My details were not even requested for at any point for follow up. I went back and retried severally, thinking maybe i made some mistakes or skipped some steps. I could not believe that after all the attitude with the "everything you need is on the website", it seem like it didn't have all the answers after all. So!it's either i bone or i call back. In your opinion, do you think it's wise i call back? Bear in mind that this is a luxury and not a necessity and not that i don't have my own baker who by the way isn't bad at all??? Customer Service - This may just be the reason why your customers stick to your brand

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Caller:"Hello!" Moi:"Hello!" Caller:"I just saw RIP on Olotu's dp with Ify's picture.". Moi:"What???? It can't be". Call ends.... This was how i got to hear of your departure and it got me thinking. Trying to reflect and reminiscence. Can't remember our first meeting or business deal. But i know i had to return for several others. I even tried (well i actually did) recommending you to others. Somehow, it was beyond the deal. It had to do with your personality. "Fine gal" - you called everyone. Partly because you could not remember every body's name. You made me smile. It was just comforting coming over to yours. It was easy dealing and relating with you. Aunty Ify...i can't believe you are no more. I have all my dresses. Hardly stop receiving compliments when am in any of them. I miss you, your laughter... I miss you just being you. Gold and his mama will miss you more. Uncle T...terribly. Rest on and goodbye. You have so far been my best tailor!

Monday, March 9, 2015


Today happens to be one of the few days I feel like going on skirts. As I laced my shoes, I saw a scar on my leg. I got the scar the very first time I decided to take a bike (popularly known as okada where I come from) Memories of that day flooded my mind. I recall my dad shouting his head off over the act. He didn’t seem to understand why I’d take a bike. Memory of that incidence took my mind back to time before now. Times when my dad was responsible for me (so to speak). Times when practically everything about me was his call. It was his to ensure I was healthy. It was his call to ensure I had enough to eat. It was his call to ensure I got into school. It was his call to ensure my bills were paid. It was his call to ensure I was protected from all the necessary viles. It was his call that I was properly taken care of. It was his call that things go as planned. His opinion on my choices was largely influential. He had a say on and in everything. And suddenly it was no longer his call. It became mine. Solely mine. I became responsible for my life. I became responsible for my actions. My life became my call. My life became mine. I become responsible for my choices and decisions. My life has become my call. With its consequences!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Revelation of Things to Come

Before the year began, I had reasons to look forward to the year because I had heard and gotten an insight into what to expect. It was easier to share with some, while of course had to keep mute with others. It instigated the reason why I could say certain things I was yet to see and same reason why I had to hold back on some .It was the reason why I could dream and pray aloud my desires…. Paraphrasing my pastor (I will keep his identity a secret just to raise the suspense wink wink) “getting revelations makes all the difference in the world”. Revelation or Rhema as called by others is the life blood of every believer. It is the hindsight, the reason behind certain confidence. It kinda makes me understand why when certain people can argue that things cannot happen to them unexpectedly. I believe I have tasted this. Does this mean things will still work out as planned and rosy? Naaaaa of course not. I believe it is the time to act more, pray more, speak positively like never before, give more. It is the time for more. It is the crucial time prior to manifestation. Sometimes the challenges and temptations may be harder but we ought to pray on and hold unto the revelation we have received. So peradventure you have gotten a dream, a prophesy, you have had a vision or you strongly believe that that which you earnestly desire is about to come to pass, know also that it is like the last hour a pregnant woman is about to bring forth. You’ve got to push hard and eventually have the baby come forth. Weeping may endure for the night but Joy comes in the morning the bible says. Your morning is closer than you think!